Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Let's Airplane Trip!

Japanese English (which we in the ALT world lovingly refer to as 'Engrish') has once again captured the excitement and possibilities of one of my most favorite times of year:

Golden Week is a series of four (count them...FOUR) national holidays in a row, paired up with a couple of weekends! It's pretty much brilliant, and once again this year, serves as my excuse to head down to Tokyo and see a little more of mainland Japan. Jacob and I will be on our way South tomorrow where, if all goes planned, we will be meeting up with my mom (fresh off of American soil) for a romp and a frolic! We'll have the full photo update here in a few weeks...until then, happy spring, everyone...let's vacationing!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Whew! Well, That Was Long!

Yes, it was bound to happen sometime, folks: a month-long hiatus without any updates from the Thiessen Twosome. Blame it on Facebook. Or trying to make it through that last little (looooong) hump of winter (yes, we did have snow here in April. Meh.). Either way, we're (hopefully) back as the sunshine is peeking through the clouds and mountains, and spring is slowly making its presence known up here in Hokkaido.

And what is spring in Japan without sakura--or cherry blossoms? Although the sakura wave has come and gone down in Osaka and Tokyo, Hokkaido is still eagerly awaiting it's turn to be covered in the pink and white blooms, which usually open up here around the first week in May. In the meantime, however, it's nice to know that while we wait, Japanese marketers go crazy with promoting as many sakura-flavored products as possible, from Sakura Matcha Kit Kats (see previous post), to sakura chips, candy, chocolate, mochi, sushi rolls, and the ubiquitous Starbucks drink:

Yes, all sakura aside, spring is going to rock here: new schoolyear and students, new job for Jacob (was promoted within and is now is one of the main cooks instead of bartender!), new photography and traveling inspiration, and, oh yeah, my mom will be coming for a visit this week! Go, Linda! Will be back shortly with all the photo-Japan-goodness for you, folks!