Monday, February 22, 2010

Thiessen Twosome is Now a Lonely Planet Blogsherpa!

Thiessen Twosome Does Japan has been accepted into the Blogsherpa program by the nomadic folks over at Lonely Planet, who are brilliantly enhancing their own travel website by linking to their favorite travel bloggers!

For those of you who aren't familier with Lonely Planet, they are THE biggest and most recognized travel publication (guidebooks, website, etc.) company in the world. You will find links to TTDJ (as well as a host of other great travel blogs) on relevant destination pages (Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, and Southeast Asia in particular) over on the Lonely Planet website!

It's such an honor to be recognized for some of the things I LOVE doing: photographing, traveling, and blogging! Thanks everyone for your support and following!


Terry said...

thanks for contributing to the world of travel! Your stories and photographs are amazing. We look forward to more great things from the Thiessen Twosome.
Terry and Anne!

everthenomad said...

Hey there. I was trying to find an email address for you guys but no luck. Would you please contact me offline at Cheers!